Monday, November 11, 2019

My Testimony: The Spiritual War of Infancy and Childhood

My little bosses. They are adorable, cunning and witty little handfuls whom I love very much. They are also victims within this spiritual war, and they put me at risk of diabolic suffering. I am a spiritually sensitive mystic who works with infants and young children. I am a witness of the spiritual war within the lives of little people within our world. It is rare to find a job working with a devout Catholic family, so I have been working with families who are spiritually lost. I see and experience their demons beyond what I would ever want for anyone else to endure. It is survival to work with these families, but it is also spiritual work to give witness to the reality of the spiritual world behind the veil.

I have worked with many infants and children since my spiritual awakening and mystical gifts. I had been working with children for several years prior to my spiritual enlightenment and earthly purgation. My experience and understandings were quite different prior to my conversion and gift. Prior to my conversion, I was quite focused on psychology, early intervention and prevention within the early childhood field. Now I have no choice but to focus more on the spiritual roots of challenges within infancy and early childhood because I have witnessed several spirits within many families and early childhood environments. These spirits have affected the behaviors of little ones in ways that may be considered diagnosable or easily analyzed by the world. The manifestations became psychological/behavioral, but the roots were spiritual.

These ideas may be difficult or confusing for people of the world; easily judged by many. They may be labelled as fictitious or untrustworthy. I wish that I didn’t feel weighed down by such judgements, but it does weary me at times. Regardless, the work continues because Jesus kindly and directly asked me to tell my story and so I do. God bless those who believe, and God heal and enlighten those who do not. You will all believe at some point within your eternity. Believing early on will be most merciful to oneself. These are difficult lessons when learned in the ways that I have learned. It is easier to learn vicariously and prudently. Learning through personal interaction with demons (i.e. within purgatory) is suffering and hellish at times. By not following the laws and ways of God, we bring these spiritual roots of psychological/behavioral disturbance into the lives of infants and young children (as well as to those who care for them).

I am blessed to have the freedom to write, speak and express truth. I have a voice and I am just beginning to use it. Not everyone can use their voice. Many people are silenced in various ways. I also have the freedom to live and express my religious beliefs and experiences. I felt called to the religious life, but I know that the telling of my story may be put at risk. The rigorous monastic schedule would challenge me in the telling of my story, which is my primary spiritual calling. I have been given truth by Our Lord and He has asked for me to speak it, so I live a Holy life in the world to retain my ability to speak and advocate for Him and His Holy creation. This is not easy as I experience torment from unholy spiritual environments. The world is not a nice place behind the veil in this war. I have endured much torment from the sins of others, but I suppose that is how I learned not to sin. It has been a difficult learning, but a blessing to a narrow, Holy path. The fruit will be eternal peace.

Use the voice that God has given to you. Express it through art, music, writing, speaking and any other means possible. Do not leave this world in silence. “Speak (Lord), for your servant is listening.” (Samuel 3:10) Be a vessel of Holiness within whatever state of life you have been given. Complacency is not of God. Be willing to die (socially or bodily) for the expression of God’s truth. Martyrdom is a gift and is our highest spiritual calling. Be willing to leave this world with an exclamation point of truth. Be an open witness and advocate of God’s truth. “(T)ruth will set you free” (John 8:32) and peace in eternity is forever for those who please the Most High. Avoid all bitterness and despair. Know His Mercy, Forgiveness, Glory and Justice. Know that He wins this war. Remember patience and fortitude. Know that virtues are everything in the eyes of the Lord and proceed accordingly. Learn to fear the Lord which truly means learn to fear offending and being cut off from the Lord. He is our source of Eternal Life and Joy. He is Love for those who Love Him by closely following Him. Love Him. When you know Him as I do, you will naturally Love Him. He is Lovable. 😊

I am a witness and fruit of God’s mercy and justice. Prior to my awakening, I made mistakes that led me to the denial of my creator and opened doors to many demons within the lives of the infants and young children that I worked with. I was spiritually naïve with very great intentions. I was hell-bound if I did not change my ways. Fortunately, the Lord had a way of teaching and saving me from myself. It was a difficult way, but merciful for my eternity. He gave me an early purgation to teach me what I was attached to and what is true. His Truth has been setting me free.

You cannot deny Holy Catholicism once you experience the war behind the veil. You cannot avoid being abused once you are face to face with your own demons within purgation. He introduced me to the demons that I had brought in. He introduced me to the demons that I grew up with. He introduced me to Himself, His Mother and many Saints within Heaven. He helped me to overcome these curses that existed from my own misdeeds and that of my family and ancestors. He was merciful to offer this purgation because many people would say that I didn’t qualify for purgatory because I used the pendulum for many years and denied Our Lord. I didn’t know that it was of the occult. I didn’t know the true meaning of the occult. I didn’t know the true meaning of Catholicism or the teachings within the scriptures. It was before the time of easy access to the Internet and information. It was something that I learned from my mother and other spiritually lost people. They were kind and spiritually naïve. Their intentions were good, but their actions were hell-bound.

Over my lifetime, I had witnessed much scandal and hypocrisy within Christianity. I had no desire to attach to scandal and hypocrisy, so I had no desire to become a Christian. I respected Christians but kept them at a distance. I made sure not to take the Lord’s name in vain. I presented myself conservatively and honorably but did not want to become part of a group unless I believed in it deeply within my soul. I am not the type of person to join for social or external reasons. I would only join for truth, and I did not see it within the people.

I was born into a lost family but didn’t realize that Catholicism was within my lineage. My Great Grandmother was molested within the Catholic Church. As a result, she did not pass her Catholicism on to my family. Unknowingly, we lived with the Satanic residue of sexual abuse and scandal. People learn to distrust the Church and still need to fill the void where God should have been. They seek and Satan secretly guides good hearted, naïve people who become hell-bound if it were not for the Mercy of Our Lord. But know this, Justice was very much a part of my awakening. Purgation cannot be avoided, or the lessons will not be learned. Hell is not to be repeated within Heaven, so purgation cannot be avoided when a spirit falls so far from God through the occult, even when the people involved are indirect victims of Church abuse and seeking what they perceive to be godly truth through their lost spiritual methods. Our Church leaders are in serious spiritual danger when they allow their flock to be abused and/or misguided to the point of mortal sin. They are truly diabolically disoriented when they overlook such matters. They are hell-bound and need God’s Mercy through Our Lady’s intercession. The Rosary is their Hope.

Satan had a plan against me, but God prevailed. God revealed Himself to me and sent me on a path of earthly purgation and mystical learning. I went through Heaven and Hell and Heaven for many years. I had very little support and very much spiritual neglect from the clergy of today. I endured broken systems in the face of diabolical torment and torture. I learned that God will help the most abused and neglected in the most beautiful and mystical ways imaginable. My story is beautiful, only because of Him. One day I will fully express it through art, film, writing and possibly music. God is beautiful.

Be wise by withholding judgement and asking Jesus for truth through His mercy. My writings are truth through God’s mercy for you. They are the fruit of my suffering. The fruit has led to my personal salvation and sanctification which is always progressing. I am not complete. I am becoming complete through Our Lord. Blessings to all in Christ Jesus through the intercession of Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. St. Pio and St. Michael, please pray for us. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. John of the Cross please pray for us. St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Joan of Arc, please pray for us. Heaven through Our Lord Jesus Christ, please pray and intercede for us. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Rosary Bead

Late one evening, as I laid in bed reading a prayer book, I looked up to see a pink sphere (the size of a child’s ball) hovering above my bed. It was beautiful and gave me peace. I looked away for just a moment and looked back to see that it was gone. Immediately, I asked God to bring it back. I sensed that it was from the Lord, but I didn't know what it was. He didn't bring it back but guided me to see that it looked just like the bead from my pink Rosary on my nightstand. It was the bead used to meditate upon the mysteries as opposed to the more oval shaped bead used to pray the Hail Mary. God has guided me to understand the importance of the Rosary through these types of mystical experiences. I have no doubt that the Rosary is God's preference. Glory be to God. :)

The Last Judgement

I know the importance of the Rosary and how it can heal a soul. While at the Cathedral in Seattle, I often see people suffering and spiritually dying on the streets. They need God who is their only hope. I have many tears for them. They used to be someone's baby. They used to be pure innocence and are now cursed and staggering toward eternal death. They desperately need prayer and God's mercy.

Many years ago, prior to my conversion to Catholicism, I had a dream of a horrific creature who was eating people alive and was as big as a whale. During the dream, I heard the Lord calmly tell me that the person (being eaten) used drugs. I woke feeling physically and emotionally shaken. It was beyond horrible. Years later, I saw that same creature depicted in a painting by the artist Giotto di Bondone called "The Last Judgement". Seeing this image was surreal because I had dreamt of the actual scene within a painting that was created in the 1300s at a time when I didn't know much about Christianity. I grew up in Utah, and was quite naïve regarding Catholicism. This experience became part of my conversion story.

Painting: The Last Judgement
Artist: Giotto di Bondone

Later, I was guided by the Holy Spirit to the Rosary and told that the many people who are dying from drug abuse in Seattle NEED for us to pray the Rosary to save their souls. Also, I understand that we are on the cusp of end times as evidenced by the comments from the Holy Spirit regarding the drug use of the person who was suffering. A 13th century painting is depicting the eternal outcome of people who live near me and are dying from mortal sins that are happening today.  
The Rosary is critical in these times. I am very drawn to Rosary Ministry because of these types of issues. Many people have forgotten and/or underestimate the Rosary or prayer in general, but God wins so I have much hope that the Lord is giving us the information, passion and tools to remedy our current crisis through Him. It is beautiful that the Lord guided me to Him in this way, because I am now the leader of a Healing Rosary Ministry in Seattle. He called me before I knew who He is. He had a plan to save me and many others before I believed that He existed. God has a plan. Please know this. There is hope. :)

Painting: The Last Judgement
Artist: Giotto di Bondone

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Spiritual Consequences of Abortion (Purgative Learning)

Written on October 27, 2019, the feast day of the Apostles Saints Simon (the Zealot) and Jude (patrons of Impossible Cases).

Experienced in 2012 or 2013

I sat on my bedroom floor one evening, leaning my back against the bed and facing the closet doors that were partially opened. I recall having a Rosary hanging on the closet doorknob and I must have been meditating on it. I took a moment to glance over to the interior of the closet and I noticed that the adversary was trying to scare me with a scene of horror. I also noticed that God was protecting me from terror because the scene was opaque. I did not feel terror because I had already experienced so much dark night of the soul, but I was slightly disturbed. I could barely make out some details. Gruesome death is what Satan was trying to show me. Suddenly, my spirit was slammed with what felt like being hit by a truck. The intensity was so extreme that it felt like I would die. Right then I heard a calm voice whom I knew to be the Holy Spirit tell me that this is what babies of abortion experience (i.e. extreme, unbearable traumatic pain within their spirit). The trauma faded and I was left shaken and wiser for it. The mystical learning continued.

Artist: Humaira Abid

Over time, the Holy Spirit explained to me that the separation of the spirit from the body is only to be done by God; otherwise, the agony can be equated to the tearing of skin from flesh. Regardless of the stage of development, the baby in the womb has a spirit that is attached to cells. When torn from these cells, the spirit experiences pure agony. It doesn’t matter if the neurology has fully developed because this agony is experienced through the spirit. People will try to refute this idea, but they will know when it happens to them. This is because we experience this pain within our purgatory or hell if we do not follow God’s laws regarding this topic. A person who takes another life very well may have their own spiritual blood upon their hands. If they knew this to be true, they most likely would not make the same decision. So, when you see people “fighting” for their “right” to choose, please visualize the suffering that they may be bringing upon themselves and pray for their souls. If you do not, then your spiritual blood may be upon your hands. 

Photographer unknown

The Lord allowed me to learn this difficult lesson within my earthly purgation because I used to take the birth control pill prior to my spiritual awakening and I accidently conceived and miscarried while taking the pill. When I miscarried, I sensed the Holy Spirit tell me that it was my baby as I looked at the large number of “cells” in the toilet. I immediately felt an intense, unexpected sorrow. 

"Blueberry" the stuffy.

From a worldly perspective, this made no sense as I didn’t believe in God and I did believe in a woman’s “right” to choose. I believed in science. It was not possible for it to be anything but cells. This tissue was too small to suffer (i.e. no nerves to suffer pain). I never wanted an abortion for myself, but I didn’t want to “impose” my ideas upon another. If only I had known that spirits are attached to little cells and that I could be aborting my own baby by taking the birth “control” pill. If only I had known that it was the only baby that I may ever conceive. I work with babies and children. They are my passion. How could this be? If only I had known. Who are we to control life in this way? We are naïve, self-centered people of not-God when we think in this way. Pride has been our downfall. Abortion is wrong. In fact, abortion is a spiritual suicide for those who promote it, participate in it or neglect to help others to avoid it when God calls. God has mercy, especially for little babies whose spirits are torn from their flesh.

Please watch the videos below. Pray and speak out beyond what you ever knew possible. The Rosary is a fierce weapon as well as the prayer below.

Lord Jesus please forgive us, deliver us, and manifest all creation to save us from ourselves. We know not what we do. In Jesus blessed Holy name. Amen
